ASPA anti-counterfeiting, traceability and brand protection seminar to be held in Kolkata

Jubilant World Consumer Right Mean solar day, Authentication Solutions Providers' Association (ASPA) is conducting a Make Protection Awareness Seminar on March 13, 2022 at The Park, Kolkata. Fighting counterfeiting is an important aspect in socio-economical evolution of our country, manufacture and consumers at big. There is a need to strengthen the hallmark eco-systems in the country empowering consumers, industry and regulators at large in fighting counterfeiting. The seminar will bring together manufacture leaders and regime representatives on the same platform to share insights of anti-counterfeiting and traceability developments and regulations in the country. Atri Bhattacharya, IAS principal secretarial assistant, Consumer affairs department, Government of West Bengal volition exist the chief guest for the make protection seminar.
As apocryphal products across various sectors in Republic of india are causing losses of over INR 1 trillion every year to the government, the involvement of all stakeholders is extremely crucial in fighting this menace. The number of counterfeit cases have increased by nearly 15 per cent in the January-Oct period in 2022 as compared to 2018, according to a recent study past ASPA. The top ten sectors with the highest number of counterfeit cases in 2022 and 2022 were currency, liquor, food and beverages, pharmaceuticals, personal intendance, documents, tobacco, automotive, construction textile and chemicals.
Considering these circumstances, ASPA nether its campaign "Make Certain Bharat" is creating an awareness to educate and enable make owners, consumers, media and stakeholders towards counterfeiting and importance of authentication solutions in fighting this problem. Seminar participants will learn almost the latest technologies and good business practice of authentication providers who are already protecting more than 15,000 brands globally. They will share insights of counterfeiting, anti-counterfeiting mural and the contempo regulations and solutions in fighting the fakes. ASPA's mission is to help the make owners eradicate the scourge of counterfeiting.
Respected and accomplished business leaders, policy makers and industry experts such every bit Manoj Kochar, chair-eastern region, ASPA and one-time president, IHMA, A. Ramkishan, deputy drugs controller (India), CDSCO, east zone, Kolkata, Ministry of Health and Family welfare, Government of Republic of india, Ankur Chaturvedi, head of international supply chain and projects, Emami, Kolkata, Shamim Alam,business manager, labels and packaging, HP, Harish Agarwal, partner, Ernst & Young and Chander S. Jeena, secretary, ASAP will exist speaking at the event.
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